The WINGED BOX JELLYFISH is colorless and transparent with elongated bells, only about 3" high and 2" wide. There are 4 tentacles that reach up to 4.5" long that hang from each corner of the bell. When in the water, these jellyfish look like small floating plastic bags and are difficult to see. They move toward the light at night and tend to be found off of southern facing beaches in Oahu, 7-10 days after a full moon, when they move towards shore to spawn. In a single night, hundreds or even thousands can wash up on shore. Most often these jellies are found at the surface, but they can be found midwater too, as far as a mile offshore.
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If you come in contact with their tentacles, it will cause an instantaneous painful burning sensation that is supposedly as painful, or more painful, than a Portuguese Man-of-War. Typically the pain will subside on its own within an hour, but it's possible for the pain to last as long as 8 hours. Because of the intense pain, many victims experience weakness, cramps, and breathing difficulties and should seek medical attention for pain control. #scuba #dive #scubadive #hhd #honuhawaiiandiving #fishfacts #jellyfish #boxjellyfish
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